Saturday, December 31, 2011

10 Ways to Excel During 2012

They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Most people do the same thing that they have always done because they are comfortable. They are familiar with the best way to keep things as they are. They are afraid of what will happen if they change and try something new. As you go into 2012 think about how you can be more creative and try something that you have not done. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish. Here are 10 ways to excel during 2012.

1. Make a commitment to get physically fit
2. Read at least six new books
3. Go on a trip to a place that you have never seen before
4. Keep God first
5. Apply for a job in another city
6. Join an association where you can use your gifts and talents
7. Tutor young people who need help
8. Meet with your local legislator to find out what they are doing in your community
9. Learn a new trade and consider starting your own business
10. Focus on having a positive attitude

Try a few of these activities all year long and your life will be changed. You will be more productive and complete more of your objectives. While you are pursuing these activities involve others. Pursue change and you will have a dynamic 2012.

Dr Stephen Jones is a college coach, author and keynote speaker at and you can reach him at 610-842-3843

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How safe is your home? Time to go go Green

A few months ago my wife and I decided to go green in our home. It has helped my entire families overall health. Did you know that you are breathing in harmful products in your home every day. Many products contain chlorine, formaldehyde, ammonia and other harmful chemicals. Yes there are toxic chemicals in your home. We tend to ignore them because the manufacturers make the products smell good. Are you concerned about your family's health? Learn how you can live a healthy life by removing chemicals from your home products. Identify vitamins that will increase your energy level. Learn how you can reduce your weight. If you are interested in attending a webinar to learn more contact me at or call 610-842-3843.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Healthy Living is for You

Are you concerned about your family's health? Learn how you can live a healthy life by removing chemicals from your home products. Identify vitamins that will increase your energy level. Learn how you can reduce your weight. The Webinar is every Monday night at 8:00 pm and the Call into conference number 507-726-4255 Conference ID- 100261# .

Also please log into the website below:

To enter webcast: Go to
Click Join a Meeting
Enter ‘your name’
Your host’s username “director8”
Click ‘proceed’
Click ‘enter host’s room
Call into conference number 507-726-4255
Conference ID- 100261#

Please call Dr. Stephen Jones after you view the website at 610-842-3843.